The Rugby Autumn Internationals will soon be upon us and Wales Rugby supporter or not, many of us will find ourselves setting our watches to make sure we don’t miss a thing. You might be lucky enough to be at a match in person, make it to a big screen at the pub or simply be watching from the comfort of your own sofa at home. Either way, many of us will have one factor to contend with which can make or break our enjoyment of the beautiful game, babi’s and children! Some of you may be lucky enough to have a special someone, unbothered by the rugby and willing to take your little ones and leave you in peace for those precious hours, we can only dream! Let’s face it, most of us are not that lucky. As Wales face New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and Georgia, it is likely you will be staring into the eyes of tiny faces wanting your attention more than your favourite Welsh players. But fear not, there are ways that you still enjoy the game even with young children and we have the perfect guide to help you do just that. Our top tip’s will allow you to give your little ones a cwtch and carry on supporting Wales worry free.

1) Wear them out first

We have all made the mistake of thinking it’s a good idea to have a “nice relaxed morning at home” with the children after a busy week and soon realised that rather than having a cwtch on the sofa, our little ones are climbing the walls, ceilings and anything else they can find. Make sure that you wrap them up warm and let them run free for as long as possible before the game starts. All that fresh air, exercise and release of pent up energy will give you a much more peaceful time once you are back home and raising your glass to the Welsh National Anthem.

2) Rig Nap Times

On a similar vein, whilst we are likely to be in fairly strict routines with our babi’s and toddlers, thinking through nap times can really help. Consider any slight adjustments you can make to your day for optimal nap time utilisation during the big match. In simple terms, save the naps for the match!

3) Make Food

Anyone with little kids will know that food is in fairly constant demand during the average day but at match time, this could be even worse as boredom is mistaken for hunger. In short, make sure you think through breakfast, lunch and dinner plus a gazillion snacks. Packed lunches are perfect for making in advance and whipping out during match time to save wasting precious minutes away from the game cooking. Family size snacks can not only keep little people’s tummies happy but also make the rugby a fun family, shared occasion. Consider sugar free snacks like crudites with dips, popcorn (age dependent), crisps, rice cakes, cocktail sausages and other mini savoury snacks. Not only will these keep the children fuller for longer, it will also avoid any sugar highs which is the last thing you want to be contending with as Wales challenge the All Blacks and you want your eyes on the screen and nothing else. For an added twist, get searching on Pinterest for fun Rugby themed spreads to keep everyone entertained and full during the match.

4) Make Activity Boxes

Even the most hardy rugby loving children are unlikely to be able to keep their attention on the whole game and so preparing one or two activity boxes could prove to be a life saver. These don’t need to be anything fancy or expensive, just grab an old box and fill it with entertaining items, things you already have are just fine. Less is more here so pick a theme and put things together. Pinterest has loads of ideas but you could have boxes which include craft items (rugby themed even better), animals with a few play items, small dolls and a couple of accessories, duplo or magnatiles. Children will enjoy these boxes even if they include toys they already have as the categories spark their imagination and the wonder of opening the boxes make them seem more exciting even if they are old. If you want to keep them occupied for even longer, wraps the boxes up but lets face it, kids open presents quickly!

5) Prepare some Family Quizzes

This one will take some pre-work but there are lots of things you can do to rally the family around the game and create some atmosphere in your living room. Ideas include Rugby bingo, eye spy or points won for players doing certain things throughout the game. Either way make sure you print out enough copies and have enough pens, so that everyone can take part.

6) Move!

It is well known that movement is one of the best ways for children and teens to gain control over their behaviour, engage in their learning, and retain what they’re being taught. If you want children to be able to watch the match calmly, take time to move whenever possible. For every hour of the game, you should encourage movement at least a few times for 60 to 90 seconds each time. Try half time exercises or mini workouts, jumping up and down every time there is a try, exercise balls in front of the screen for children to sit on and sofa push ups whenever the whistle blows. You can make your own rules but remember for moments of peace and calm, movement is key.

7) Gather Fidget Toys

Similar to movement, something to occupy little hands during the game works a treat and a basket of fidget toys next to them on the sofa can help them stay engaged with the match whilst having something to do.

8) Create Their Own Special Area

Nothing makes children feel happier and cosier than having their own space to relax. Try laying down a blanket per child, our memory blankets make a great option, and putting some books and a few precious toys on it and let their imaginations run wild whilst enjoying the game.
So it goes without saying that things are never simple or peaceful with children, but with a little thought and some clever preparation, you could be sitting back, relaxing and watching the Autumn Internationals in “relative” peace! As the fireworks start up for the evening on the 5th November, let’s hope that not only will you be celebrating Wales’ all important win over their first match with New Zealand but also that you got to watch more than a few minutes of the beautiful game.