Babi Bw is a family brand and we are super proud of our Welsh heritage – something which we carry through the heart and soul of our brand. Manufacturing has a long history in Wales, it is a part of our national story.
Its a huge passion of ours to bring manufacturing back to Wales. The whole end to end process (design, translations, marketing, photography & production etc.) is created right here, made in Wales!
Here are some of our Welsh connections on the map…

“Anyone can cuddle but only the Welsh can Cwtch” | Made in Wales
However you like to cuddle, snuggle, hug or ‘Cwtch’, choose organic! Our range of organic cotton accessories, all made in wales, are perfect for your baby’s delicate skin. From our cottage workshop in Monmouthshire, we sew and personalise all our garments.

Babi Bw workshop based in Monmouthshire
Visit Babi Bw on Facebook
Please head to our Facebook page and give us a like so we can stay in touch. You’ll also find lots of reviews about our organic baby products, including this one – in Welsh and in English! :
The products are so lovely and soft. I’ll be shopping with them in the future, really. If you’re thinking of buying something as a baby gift, buy them from Baby Bw! There is no service in the world like the Babi Bw service.
Mae’r cynhyrchion yn mor hyfryd ac yn meddal. Bydda i’n siopa gyda nhw yn y dyfodol, wir. Os dych chi’n meddwl am brynu rhywbeth fel anrheg babi, brynwch nhw o Babi Bw! Does dim gwasanaeth yn y byd fel y gwasanaeth Babi Bw
– Steven